Pottery Barn Customer Service Contacts
Want to get in touch with Pottery Barn? No worries, this post contains basic information about Pottery Barn. Below you can also find Pottery barn’s customer service contacts’ email address, phone number, social media accounts also their headquarters location.
Customer Service
Email: USA: [email protected]
International: [email protected]
Phone Numbers: Phone 1: 1-888-779-5176 (USA)
Phone 2: 1-855-860-1079 (Canada)
Phone 3: +800-1500-2222 (international
Official website: www.potterybarn.com
Twitter Handle: @potterybarn
Facebook Page: Pottery Barn
Instagram Handle: @potterybarn
Head Office
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
3250 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
About Pottery Barn
Who is the Owner of Pottery Barn?
Pottery barn is owned by Williams-Sonoma.
Pottery Barn Payment Methods
It is very important to know the payment methods accepted by Pottery Barn before placing an order on the Pottery Barn website to avoid wasting your time placing orders to later discovering that all your available payment method is not accepted on the platform. Pottery Barn accepts several online payment methods for purchases, these methods include: Credit Cards, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Network credit cards