How to Restart Fitbit Inspire

How to Restart Fitbit Inspire

how to reboot fitbit inspire? How to restart Fitbit Inspire? How to reset Fitbit Inspire? How to Erase Fitbit Inspire?

In this post, we will be showing you how to reboot or restart Fitbit Inspire device. Yes, if your Fitbit is having some issues like the following on your Fitbit inspire.

  • Won’t sync
  • Won’t respond to taps, swipes, or button press
  • Won’t track steps or other data
  • Won’t show notifications or reminders

and you don’t know where it’s from or how to fix it. The first and wise thing to do is to restart or reboot your device. Don’t worry, below we will be showing you how.

Fitbit inspire

How to Restart or Reboot Fitbit Inspire

Note: Please don’t attempt to restart your device by inserting any items, such as paper clips, into any hole as it can damage your Fitbit device.

Step 1: Plug the charging cable into the USB port on your computer or any USB wall charger.

Step 2: Next connect your device to the charging cable.

Step 3: Press and hold the button or buttons on your tracker for 5 seconds.

Step 4: Release the button. When you see a smile icon and the tracker vibrates.

That’s all. You have successfully restarted or rebooted your Fitbit Inspire 2 device.

How to Reset Fitbit Inspire

Step 1: Open the Settings app.

Step 2: Search and select Clear User Data.

Step 3: When prompted, hold the screen for three seconds, then release it.

Step 4: Finally a vibration will then indicate that the factory reset has been performed.

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