How to Reset PS4 Controller without Reset Button

How to Reset PS4 Controller without Reset Button

This blog entry will guide you on how to reset your PS4 controller without the reset button. You may have some problems with your PS4 controller. Sometimes the problem may be because of settings, and a simple reset can make it work again.

But since there are controllers that come without the traditional resetting button, you are wondering, “How can you reset your PS4 controller that has no resetting button?” Well, I am glad to let you know that you have come to the right post.

Because shortly, we will investigate in depth all you need to know about resetting your controller. Keep reading to find out how you can have this done in no time.

How to Reset PS4 Controller without Reset Button
How to Reset PS4 Controller without Reset Button

Reasons you May Need to Reset your PS4 Controller

There are five common issues you might be experiencing:

  • Firmware problems: Your controller could be impacted by a random bug. A reset would solve the issue. The most typical type of issue is this one, and a controller reset will solve it.
  • Hardware problems: The ribbon flex cable and other internal parts of the controller may need to be replaced. It frequently has problems if it is physically damaged.
  • Battery issues: Battery life is between 5 and 7 years for the PS4 controller. It won’t last forever and eventually won’t be able to charge.
  • Console firmware issues: The console may have sporadic power and system flaws that harm the controller signal.
  • Console hardware damage: Damage to the internal hardware of the console, such as the hard drive, may result in problems.

No matter what the problem is, a reset is always the first thing you should try to troubleshoot. This is because it is quick, simple, and damage-free.

How to Reset your PS4 Controller

You can start by soft resetting your PS4 controller first, if this does not work, you should try other means of resetting. How do I soft reset my controller?

This is easy; switching your controller on and off can perform magic on your controller. Some settings merely doing this will restore them to default and you will have your controller back again.

Try doing this first and you will be sure to report back on the massive progress you have and you will not need to reset your PS4 controller again. 

To perform a reset on your controller, follow the steps below:

  • Enter the PS4’s top menu by using your second (functional) controller to log in, then select Settings. This is the alternative that resembles a suitcase.
  • From the drop-down menu, pick Devices.
  • Choose Bluetooth gadgets.
  • Your PS4 controller ought to be listed. Select the inactive controller since you are using the active one to navigate the menu. The active PS4 controller is the one with a green dot, and the inactive controller is the one without.
  • On your controller, press the Options button, which is next to the touchpad. A new menu will appear as a result.
  • Decide to forget the device.
  • Now that we are no longer thinking about the broken DualShock 4 controller, we want to turn the PS4 off. You can accomplish this by pressing and holding the PS4 button on your controller, going to the menu’s Power section, and selecting Turn off PS4.
  • Use a USB cable to connect your DualShock 4 controller that isn’t working to your PS4.
  • Wait for the PS4 to start up after turning it on.

Log into the PS4 by pressing the PlayStation button on the controller. You can test to check if the PlayStation 4 controller is still acting strangely now that it has been paired.

How to Hard Reset a PS4 Controller

When a gadget is “hard reset,” it is returned to its factory default settings, or essentially how it was when it was brand new. This procedure is usually effective in fixing issues if a soft reset doesn’t work and you’re still having issues.

Fortunately, the DualShock 4 controller makes this simple to do, although you’ll need a paper clip or something similar to reset your PS4 controller.

To conduct a hard reset on your controller, follow these steps:

  • Shut off the PS4.
  • Locate the little hole close to the left shoulder button by turning over the DualShock 4 controller.
  • Pushing the button buried inside the hole requires inserting a paper clip with one end unfolded.
  • Hold this button down for approximately 5 seconds.
  • Usu a USB cable to connect the controller to the PS4.
  • Wait for the PS4 to start up after turning it on.
  • To sign into the PS4, press the PlayStation button on the controller. When the DualShock 4 and console have linked, the light bar should turn blue.

Try resetting your router if your controller is still giving you trouble. 

Follow the instructions for doing a hard reset with the router or modem off if you were unable to sync your PS4 controller. Try using your device without the router or modem if you did pair it but it is still unstable. If it succeeds, you must modify your router’s Wi-Fi channel.

Reset the console’s power.

Please attempt a power cycle first before resetting the controller. It will aid in removing errant bugs from the system further:

  • By holding down the power button, you can turn the console off.
  • Its cables should be all unplugged for at least five minutes.
  • Reconnect all the cords.
  • Connect the PS4’s USB cable to the gaming system. similarly, use a different USB port.
  • Activate the console.
  • Check to see if the controller works with the console and is charging.

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