Facebook Amazing Cydia Tweaks For Your iPhone And iPad

Facebook Amazing Cydia Tweaks For Your iPhone And iPad

Facebook, as we all know, is one of the most popular and used Social media App around the world. Many folks now have the App on their iPhone and thankfully, the developer has made it more useful.

There are many features we find on the app especially when looking on our timeline. We love the app for giving us the great opportunity to watch videos and even upload videos on the comment section.

Apart from that, many folks can also Play games on Facebook. Do you also know that with some tweaks you will be able to download Facebook video on your iPhone?

Undoubtedly, the great improvement on Facebook has a great impact on user experience. If you have successfully jailbreak your iPhone, there is additional functionality you will get on the App such as landscape mode, in-app messenger, and video downloader that the developer forgets to add.

Below are the amazing Cydia Tweaks to make your Facebook better.


facebook Cydia Tweaks

#1. FACEBOOK++ For iOS

FACEBOOK++ is basically an iOS tweak that brings back the in-app messenger feature that was available in the app before. This Cydia tweak is for those who have already gotten used to the in-app messaging rather than the Facebook app linking the app with the Messenger.

It allows the official messenger right inside the app. Good news, apart from that, there are also lots of features you can get as well, such as…

  • Use the Facebook Messenger within the official app
  • Get timestamp for every message just Like WhatsApp
  • Send unlimited photos (No more 16 photo limit)
  • DisableVoIP to Saves battery
  • Download Videos to your Camera Roll


The fact is that more videos are been uploaded on Facebook than the almighty YouTube.
Facebook has been making a lot of changes to the way people engaged and interact on the messaging App.

So anyone is free to upload videos either as status on Facebook or in the comments section. However, Facebook forgot to add an option to download the video directly to the iPhone from the app or site.

If you come across a particular or favorite video that you wished to save and download, here’s is the tweak to do that.


Below is how to download any video you like on Facebook to your iOS device without any issues.

Step 1: Open the Cydia and go to the BigBoss repository.
Step 2: Install Prenesi 3 and restart your iPhone.
Step 3: Launch the Facebook app and tap on a video.
Step 4: Now tap on the down icon on the right-hand corner.
Step 4: Finally, Choose Download Video and select the quality (Low or High).

That’s all, now the video you just downloaded will be on your saved to your Camera Roll. Additionally, Prenesi 3 also allows you to disable reactions, turn off VOIP to save battery and more.


Facebook doesn’t allow the use of landscape mode in their app and because of that, using the portrait mode is one of the irritating things on iOS. However, with the Cydia Tweaks, you should be able to change that. The feature allows you to the Landscape mode on Facebook.


For those who don’t like the cached notifications where notifications are displaying continuously if you don’t click on it. The Fbnotifyclear feature will help you to get rid of that duplicate notifications.


The Bluepill is part of the Cydia Tweaks that contains all the possible functionality that you could think of. For example, it lets you send unlimited photos via messenger, read receipts, VoIP, and many more.

You will get all the options to enable this setting straight from the Settings page of this app. The app is available in BigBoss repo for just $1.99.


The previous Messanger allows you quickly reply to the person you’re talking to by tapping on their little avatar bubble anywhere on the screen.  However, this new update has made that unique feature disappear.

You can still get it back using the FBMChatsHeads. This is a new tweak that adds the chat heads to Facebook Messenger so that it can use as a quick reply feature. The app is available for free on BigBoss repo.

Facebook Amazing Cydia Tweaks For Your iPhone And iPad


This post is mainly for those with a jailbroken iPhone, however, if you can’t or don’t want to Jailbreak your device but wished to enjoy this tweak on your iOS, you can still do it. Yes, it’s possible to install Facebook++ without Jailbreaking your iPhone. To do that you will have to use Cydia Impactor to sideload it.

This tweak will bring back the in-app Facebook messenger which gives you the option to download videos from your News Feed, and much more. You should, first of all, Download the IPA Facebook++ file from here and then use the

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