Best Ways To Burn YouTube Music To CD
As one of the most popular music streaming services in the world, YouTube has become an important part of people’s daily lives, especially during their commute to work, break time, or even exercise.
It also gives you unlimited access to almost every song that has ever been released on CD, but unfortunately only as audio tracks without any visuals.
Here are the best ways to burn YouTube music to CDs so you can play them with your CD player at home or in your car wherever you go.

Get Music Onto Your Computer
To burn music from a YouTube video, go to the video on your computer and click on the Share button. This will prompt you to download the video.
You can then import it into iTunes or Windows Media Player and drag it into an empty playlist, which will convert it from MP4 format (YouTube’s native format) into AAC or MP3 formats that are compatible with most CD players.
Once you’ve created your playlist, just insert a blank CD-R disc in your computer’s drive and drag all of the songs over to it using the dragging tool. Once everything is burned onto the CD, simply take out the disk and put it back in for playback on any CD player that supports this format.
The other option is to use the Mac app Cinch, which allows you to convert YouTube videos from within its interface.
Simply copy and paste the link of the desired video into Cinch, choose what quality level you want (lowest quality produces about 20 minutes of music per gigabyte), then choose whether you want a high-quality 320kbps file or if you want it split up by album or artist before burning them as audio files onto CDs for personal enjoyment at home.
Convert To MP3 Format
YouTube is a great place for finding and listening to music. Sometimes it is not practical or possible to listen to songs in the car or on your computer, so you may want something more portable.
That’s where burning those songs onto a CD comes in handy! The best way to do this is by converting the videos on YouTube into MP3 files and then burning them onto a CD.
You can download a conversion program that will allow you to convert any video file type (.mp4, .mkv, etc) into an audio format (.mp3). Just load the video file that has the song you want and clicks Convert.
Once converted, you’ll have an MP3 of that song! Now just burn the CD with iTunes and you’ll have a playlist of all your favorite YouTube music – perfect for listening in the car or taking with you on the go!
- Locate a video containing the song you want to convert
- Find and open the conversion software
- Load the video file that contains the song you want to convert (YouTube recommends using 3GP, M4A, AVI, and MOV formats)
- Click Convert when prompted
- Once converted, find the newly created MP3 file that was generated from the conversion process.
- Open up iTunes and insert a blank CD disc into your drive
- Drag the newly created MP3 file into iTunes and wait for it to import
- Burn the CD -Tape the finished CD case shut
- Write Track 1 on a piece of paper and put it inside the case as well as writing Track 1 at the top of the page in iTunes
- Eject the new CD from iTunes and pop it into your CD player
Burn Songs To A Data Disc (CD or DVD)
To burn songs onto a CD or DVD, you’ll need a computer with an optical drive and the appropriate software. To start, insert a blank disc into your computer’s optical drive and open iTunes.
Click on the iTunes button in the upper left corner of your screen, then select Preferences. From there, click on the Burning tab at the top of your screen and make sure that both Audio CDs and Data Discs (DVDs) are checked.
Next, drag the song(s) you want to be burned to your desired location on the right side of your screen. When finished adding all of the desired songs, go ahead and click on Burn Disk.
Once this is done, go ahead and remove the disk from your computer’s drive. You’re now ready to play your new CD! If you’re burning music for someone else as a gift, it would be wise to print out the album art for their album before doing anything else.
First, find the cover art for their album by searching for it in Google Images. Make sure that the images are high resolution so they can print clearly. Next, take screenshots of these images and crop them so they fit neatly on 8×10 paper.
Finally, add any text you’d like around the image in Photoshop (if desired). Print these images out and glue them onto a manilla envelope to create an album cover!
Can You Burn YouTube Songs To A CD?
It is possible to burn songs from the YouTube website onto a CD, but it’s not as easy as it seems. There are many different ways that you can go about doing this, and some methods will work better than others depending on your situation.
- If you have an active internet connection and a program like iTunes installed on your computer, you can simply create a playlist of all of the songs that you want to download and then insert the blank CD into your disc drive when prompted.
- However, if you don’t have access to the internet or programs like iTunes, there are other options for downloading YouTube songs.
- One option is to use Google Chrome by clicking on the three-dot icon in the top-right corner of your browser window and clicking Downloads. 4) Then click Add to Library in order to add music files that were found online.
How Do You Copy From YouTube To CD?
The best way to do this is by using a program called youtube-mp3. This will download the song and convert it into an MP3 file, which you can then burn onto a CD.
The downside to this method is that it doesn’t work for songs that are longer than ten minutes long. It also won’t let you save videos with ads before them, as they’re copyrighted content so aren’t allowed on youtube-mp3’s website.
Another option is to use something like Winamp and just drag the URL of your desired video into the window where it says Playlist. In this case, Winamp does all of the conversion from YouTube video to MP3 for you.
For free programs, there are two popular options: Youtubetomp4 or Windows Movie Maker. Youtube Mp4 is great because it lets you convert up to five different YouTube clips in one go, making things much easier.
However, the quality isn’t quite as high as when using other methods but when we say free, we mean that in more ways than one! Windows Movie Maker is another good alternative, although it only has one function -downloading music from Youtube without any conversion.