Bangla calendar 2023 and Bangla date today

Bangla calendar 2023 and Bangla date today

Is this the first time you’ve heard of the Bangla calendar, and you’re wondering what it is and what date we are on it in 2023? This post is for you if you want an easy way to keep track of the Bangla calendar and today’s date. We’ll go over the unique features of the Bangla calendar, as well as how to read and calculate dates and other important information.

The Bangla Calendar is a traditional solar calendar used in Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam. It is also known as the Bengali calendar or the Bangabda. It uses a lunisolar calendar, in which dates are determined by the positions of the moon and the sun.

We’ll also discuss the various festivals and holidays celebrated in Bangladesh throughout the year. So, read on to get a better understanding of the Bangla calendar and up-to-date information on the Bangla date today.

Bangla calendar 2023 and Bangla date today
Bangla calendar 2023 and Bangla date today

Brief History of Bangla Calendar

The Bangla Calendar dates back to the 10th century. During the reign of the Samanid dynasty in Persia, the famous scholar and astronomer Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi invented it. The calendar was based on the Islamic calendar but included Indian subcontinental elements.

They introduced the Bangla Calendar in Bengal in 594 CE during the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar. The Bengal Subah officially adopted it in 1584, and it has been in use ever since. Including the Saka era in the twentieth century was the most significant change to the calendar over the years.

The Bangla calendar is very similar to the Hindu lunar calendar, with many similarities. Both calendars are based on the movement of the moon, and the length of each month is determined by the lunar cycle. Both calendars start the year on the new moon in April.

The main distinction between the two calendars is that the Bangla calendar begins the year at a different time. The Hindu calendar begins the year on the first day of the lunar month Chaitra, while the Bangla calendar begins on the first day of the lunar month Baishakh. This means that the Bangla calendar is about two months ahead of the Hindu calendar.

Bengalis use the Bangla calendar all over the world, including in Bangladesh and in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura.

Bangla Calendar 2023

The Bangla calendar for 2023 corresponds to the Gregorian year 1429 AH, which began on September 11, 2021, and ends on August 29, 2022. They divided the Bangla year 1429 into 12 months, each of which has 29 or 30 days. The months are named as follows:

  1. Boishakh
  2. Joishtho
  3. Asharh
  4. Shrabon
  5. Bhadra
  6. Ashwin
  7. Kartik
  8. Agrahayan
  9. Poush
  10. Magh
  11. Falgun
  12. Chaitra

Every year, the first day of the Bangla year, known as Pahela Boishakh, falls on 14 April. It is a significant cultural festival in Bangladesh and West Bengal, and it is widely celebrated.

Bangla Date Today

The Bangla date today is 12 Falgun 1429, which is February 25th, 2023 as of the time of writing this blog post. Falgun is the eleventh month of the Bangla calendar and corresponds to the months of February and March in the Gregorian calendar. The current Bangla year, 1429, began on April 16, 2022, and will end on April 3, 2023.

To convert Bangla dates to the conventional dates we use, click on this link to do so.

The Significance of Bangla Calendar 

The Bangla Calendar is culturally and historically significant to the people of Bangladesh and West Bengal. It is an important part of their identity and heritage, and it is used to commemorate important events and festivals.

The Bengali calendar has played an important role in shaping Bengali culture and tradition. It has influenced the region’s language, literature, music, and art, as well as contributed to the Bengali people’s distinct cultural identity.

The Lunisolar System of Bangla Calendar

The Bangla Calendar Uses a Lunisolar System: The calendar is divided into 12 months, each with 29 or 30 days. The months are named after seasonal and agricultural events, and each month has its own cultural and historical significance.

The Bangla calendar is based on the Surya Siddhanta, an ancient astronomical text from the fifth century CE. It determines the position of the sun and moon using a combination of solar and lunar movements, which aids in calculating the dates for festivals and other cultural events.

The Names of the Months in Bangla Calendar

The month names in the Bangla calendar are a combination of Sanskrit and Arabic words. Every month represents a different season, agricultural activity, or natural phenomenon. Let’s take a closer look at the month names:

  • Boishakh is named after the Boishakhi festival, which kicks off the Bengali new year and harvest season.
  • Joishtho is named after the Jyeshtha nakshatra (lunar mansion), which is associated with wealth and prosperity.
  • Asharh is named after the nakshatra Ashadha, which represents fertility and growth.
  • Shrabon is named after the nakshatra Shravana, which represents learning and education.
  • Bhadra is derived from the nakshatra Bhadrapada, which represents wealth and prosperity.
  • Ashwin is named after the nakshatra Ashvini, which represents power and vitality.
  • Kartik – named after the nakshatra Kartika, which represents power and victory and is associated with the god Kartikeya.
  • Agrahayan is named after the nakshatra Agrahayana, which is associated with good fortune and auspiciousness.
  • Poush is named after the nakshatra Pusya, which is associated with prosperity and abundance.
  • Magh is named after the nakshatra Magha, which represents royalty and grandeur.
  • Falgun was named after the nakshatra Phalguna, which represents love and fertility.
  • Chaitra is named after the nakshatra Chitra, which represents creativity and the arts.


The Bangla calendar 2023 is useful for those who want to keep up with the latest Bangla events and festivals. Furthermore, the Bangla date today is easily accessible and assists in keeping track of the current day. It’s a great way to stay informed and organized all year.

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