7 Best places to find free Audiobooks To Read
If you’ve ever wondered if there was a way you could get free audiobooks as easily as you could get EBooks and other media, then, you’re in luck! The Internet is home to millions of free audiobooks, just as it is home to just about everything else you can think of.
There are up to a hundred websites where you can find free Audiobooks, and this post would be listing 7 of the best amongst these websites, helping you decide the best place to go for your free audiobooks.
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Yes you can, we have many places you can get a free audiobook and listen to legally and they are as follows…
1 Project Gutenberg
2 LibriVox
3 StoryNory
4 The Internet Archive
5 Open Culture
6 Lit2Go
7 Learn Out Loud
1. Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg may sound like some classified scientific governmental ventures, but it is cooler than that actually.
It is best remembered for being the first website to offer free public domain EBooks, and that’s not the only thing they offer.
You can also download free audiobooks from Project Gutenberg; It gets these audiobooks from a wide range of other websites such as audiobooksforfree.com, literalsystems.org and lots more.
2. LibriVox
LibriVox is a non-profit, community-supported website where you can get audiobook recordings that have been sourced from Project Gutenberg.
These audiobooks are the read, recorded versions of EBooks found on Project Gutenberg, and can download for free.
The audiobooks are created by the public, meaning you too can volunteer to read a story and make it into a free audiobook.
3. StoryNory
StoryNory is an interesting website to get free audiobooks. It is a unique website primarily because it offers Kids’ audiobooks.
It offers popular kids’ story titles (such as Little Red Riding Hood) in audiobook format, and also produces original contents too! Those come with transcribed versions of the story.
4. The Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is striving to backup everything on the internet, and fortunately, that includes audiobooks.
The website has a sizeable library of audiobooks that can be downloaded for free; if you check further, you’ll also find audiobooks uploaded by users (although, the quality of those can’t always be ascertained).
5. Open Culture
Open Culture is another awesome website for your free audiobooks. Basically, they are a repository for educational and cultural media (including videos, texts, and audios)
You can get your free audiobooks also, either you wish to stream them or download them in any format you wish.
The audiobooks are curated in alphabetical order based on the authors’ name, and organized into genres (poetry, science fiction, and the likes).
6. Lit2Go
Lit2Go is one sophisticated website where you can cop free audiobooks. They’ve got a collection of stories and poems in audiobook formats.
What’s more interesting is that they grade a book’s readability using the Flesch-Kincaid grade systems, making it easier to pick children friendly story titles. Audiobooks on Lit2Go also has extra features such as abstract, citations, playing time, word count and more.
7. Learn Out Loud
An educational website basically, it’s a place to access up to 10,000 educational and inspirational audiobooks for free. These audiobooks are sourced from other websites (like LibriVox, Open Culture, etc.) and are neatly arranged and organized for easy access.
These are the best places you can get audiobook legally and read without any problem. You should use the comment box if you know of any good place to get free audiobook online and stream.